Kueh Ketayap (Pandan Crêpes with Coconut filling)

Kueh Ketayap (Pandan Crêpes with Coconut filling)

Hello everyone! And sorry for a very late post (1:27am Sydney time). I basically just finished cleaning up after a late dinner hosted by 3 other people and myself. It was a Malaysian-Asian themed dinner (excluding the peri-peri chicken we had as our menu evolved though out the night). I really wanted to make a dessert for the night, and I remember watching Uel and Shannelle from My Kitchen Rules whipping up this dessert and so I decided to have a go. Mind you that this was my first time ever making it and I was so glad on what a success it has been! Everyone loved it! I call it beginner’s luck 😛

I actually looked at two different recipes to make this dish so please do check out the original recipes below:

So here’s today’s recipe: Kueh Ketayap (Pandan Crêpes with Coconut filling)



For the pandan extract:

  • 12 pandan leaves, cut into short pieces
  • 1/2 cup of water

For the crêpe batter:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2/3 cup pandan extract
  • 1 1/3 cup of water
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 6 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

For the coconut filling:

  • 3 cups shredded coconut
  • 90g gula melaka (palm sugar), roughly chopped
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 1/3 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cornflour, mixed with 1 tbsp of water for thickening


  1. Place the pandan leaves and water into a blender. Blend until the leaves are chopped very finely. Pour contents through a fine sieve and press against it using a spoon to draw out any extra juice. Discard the leaves. Tip: if you keep the extract in a sealed bottle, you can keep it for up to one week in the fridge. Do not freeze though.
  2. Mix all the batter ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer to a mixing bowl and cover with cling wrap. Let it rest for at least half an hour.
  3. Meanwhile, cook the gula melaka and water in a saucepan until syrupy. Add in the shredded coconut and salt, and mix thoroughly. Add the cornflour water mixture and cook until thick. Set aside and leave to cool.
  4. Warm up a crêpe skillet under low heat with 1/2 tsp of butter. Melt butter and swirl around the skillet to distribute it. Ladle the batter in the pan. Distribute the batter thinly by turning the skillet. Cook until set and remove from the pan. Repeat for the remaining batter (should make about 16 crêpes).
  5. Put 1 tbsp of filling on the crêpe and roll tightly.

Kueh Ketayap (Pandan Crêpes with Coconut filling)


– Ally xx


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